Nero_Russia 2 Parašė Balandis 19, 2018 Jūsų Vardas_Pavardė serveryje : Nero_Russia• Administratoriaus Vardas_Pavardė, kuris jus užblokavo : "Misteris_Erikas• Už ką buvote užblokuotas ?: Well what has happen I was driving on a gravel road, I came around a officer who was in the middle of the road, Then I drove around him and i got a iskvietima I turned around, then the officer got out of his car started opening fire like it was code 5, Then well I drove into water with my taxi and i quickly logged out since he wasn't chasing after me. then 10-15min later i re-log and i get a ban because of re logging, then i went to the forum and this 11 year old kid gave me a ban and the video evidence was only 1 second long in which that doesn't give valuable evidence of me disconnecting because i couldn't have never seen him from my back nor he didn't even have his sirens if he was chasing me... then he said on ts "Misteris_Erikas" pokes you: netyčia to make a mockery out of me • Vaizdinė medžiaga praėjus kelioms sekundėms po užblokavimo : nera• Vaizdinė medžiaga bandant jungtis į serverį : Dalintis šuo pranešimu Nuoroda į pranešimą Pasidalinti kituose saituose
Egidijus_Keza 2.140 Parašė Balandis 20, 2018 Atblokuotas nebūsite. Kita karta jeigu gaunate užblokavimą pildydamas atsiblokavimą būtinai turėk visas nuotraukas kurias prašo pateikti, nes nepateikus galite nesulaukti atsiblokavimo. Užblokavimo tema Dalintis šuo pranešimu Nuoroda į pranešimą Pasidalinti kituose saituose