Turinio skaičius
Paskutinį kartą lankėsi
Nario efektyvumas
“Geras dropas yra lyg trumpas sijonas merginai – nei pasilenksi, nei atsitūpsi, bet užtat kaip atrodo… Žinoma yra ir kreivų kojų reikalas.. Kaip ir fiat multipla: dropink kiek nori, vistiek multipla. Ir kaip merginos turi išmokt vaikščiot trumpu sijonu, taip mes turim mokėti važinėti su suleista mašina..” – K.B.
Its hard not to hate…. people, thing, institutions, when they break your spirit and take pleasure in watching you bleed… hate is the only feeling that makes sense… but I know what hate does to a man, it tears him apart, turns him into something he’s not, something he promised himself he’d never become… that’s what I need to tell you, to let you know how hard I’m trying not to cave under the weight of all the awful things I feel in my heart…. sometimes my life feels like a deadly balancing act, what I feel slamming up against what I should do, impulsive reactions racing to solutions miles ahead of my brain…. when I look at my day I realize that most of it was spent cleaning up the damage of the day before, in that life I have no future, all I have is distraction and remorse…. I buried my best friend three days ago, and as cliché as this sounds I left a part of me in that box, a part of me I barely knew, a part ill never see again…. everyday is a new box boys you open it, you take a look at what’s inside… you’re the one that determines whether it’s a gift or a coffin.